For the Complete Athlete
Unique team building Experiences
Unlike traditional fitness classes, individual gym sessions, or team training, our classes focus on creating an environment that is free from distraction and common social conversations where a unique team building dynamic forms organically through the training process as teammates work with each other and train together to bring out the best effort from each other. A unique sense of community will develop that can’t really be explained through words, but only by those who are training together.
Mindset coaching
A competitive growth mindset is the ability to recognize that success comes from dedication and hard work
rather than natural ability. Athletes with a competitive growth mindset strive to give their best to become the
best version of themselves. Failures and mistakes aren’t viewed as a negative, but as a way to measure
progress and provide a chance to refocus efforts on areas that can be improved. Competitive mindset athletes
are respectful of opponents, refs, and teammates, recognizing that the interactions between the athlete and
others provide opportunities to learn and grow.
In our program, students will work on physical training while merging aspects of martial arts training that focus on the awareness of self. Through this practice, students will find that they are better able to focus on the given moment and to filter out the extraneous thoughts and inputs going on around them. This translates to them being able to make faster decisions in their sport and filter out negative or doubtful thoughts about their perceived performance.